
Adsorption Figure Tools within autocat.adsorption are geared towards generating structures with adsorbates placed on a candidate catalyst surface.

The core function of this module is generate_adsorbed_structures for generating multiple adsorbed structures with a single function call.

For the oxygen reduction (ORR) and nitrogen reduction (NRR) reactions, AutoCat has default starting geometries for all of these intermediates which can be found in

In addition, by default initial heights of the adsorbates are guessed based upon the vdW radii of the nearest neighbors to the anchoring atom.

In the example below we are generating adsorption structures for all ORR intermediates on all of the identified unique symmetry sites on a Pt111 slab. The unique sites are identified using the Delaunay triangulation, as implemented in pymatgen. Additionally, by default initial heights of the adsorbates are guessed based upon the vdW radii of the nearest neighbors to the anchoring atom.

>>> from autocat.surface import generate_surface_structures
>>> from autocat.adsorption import generate_adsorbed_structures
>>> surface_dict = generate_surface_structures(
...     species_list=["Pt"], facets={"Pt": ["111"]}, n_fixed_layers=2
... )
>>> surface = surface_dict["Pt"]["fcc111"]["structure"]
>>> ads_dict = generate_adsorbed_structures(
...     surface=surface,
...     use_all_sites=True,
...     write_to_disk=True,
... )
Structure with OOH adsorbed at ontop/0.0_0.0 written to ./adsorbates/OOH/ontop/0.0_0.0/input.traj
Structure with OOH adsorbed at bridge/8.316_2.4 written to ./adsorbates/OOH/bridge/8.316_2.4/input.traj
Structure with OOH adsorbed at hollow/8.316_1.6 written to ./adsorbates/OOH/hollow/8.316_1.6/input.traj
Structure with OOH adsorbed at hollow/5.544_3.201 written to ./adsorbates/OOH/hollow/5.544_3.201/input.traj
Structure with O adsorbed at ontop/0.0_0.0 written to ./adsorbates/O/ontop/0.0_0.0/input.traj
Structure with O adsorbed at bridge/8.316_2.4 written to ./adsorbates/O/bridge/8.316_2.4/input.traj
Structure with O adsorbed at hollow/8.316_1.6 written to ./adsorbates/O/hollow/8.316_1.6/input.traj
Structure with O adsorbed at hollow/5.544_3.201 written to ./adsorbates/O/hollow/5.544_3.201/input.traj
Structure with OH adsorbed at ontop/0.0_0.0 written to ./adsorbates/OH/ontop/0.0_0.0/input.traj
Structure with OH adsorbed at bridge/8.316_2.4 written to ./adsorbates/OH/bridge/8.316_2.4/input.traj
Structure with OH adsorbed at hollow/8.316_1.6 written to ./adsorbates/OH/hollow/8.316_1.6/input.traj
Structure with OH adsorbed at hollow/5.544_3.201 written to ./adsorbates/OH/hollow/5.544_3.201/input.traj
>>> ads_dict
{'OOH': {'ontop': {'0.0_0.0': {'structure': Atoms(...),
                               'traj_file_path': './adsorbates/OOH/ontop/0.0_0.0/input.traj'}},
         'bridge': {'7.623_6.001': {'structure': Atoms(...),
                                    'traj_file_path': './adsorbates/OOH/bridge/7.623_6.001/input.traj'}},
         'hollow': {'6.93_5.601': {'structure': Atoms(...),
                                   'traj_file_path': './adsorbates/OOH/hollow/6.93_5.601/input.traj'},
                    '9.702_4.001': {'structure': Atoms(...),
                                    'traj_file_path': './adsorbates/OOH/hollow/9.702_4.001/input.traj'}}},
 'O': {'ontop': {'0.0_0.0': {'structure': Atoms(...),
                             'traj_file_path': './adsorbates/O/ontop/0.0_0.0/input.traj'}},
       'bridge': {'7.623_6.001': {'structure': Atoms(...),
                                  'traj_file_path': './adsorbates/O/bridge/7.623_6.001/input.traj'}},
       'hollow': {'6.93_5.601': {'structure': Atoms(...),
                                 'traj_file_path': './adsorbates/O/hollow/6.93_5.601/input.traj'},
                  '9.702_4.001': {'structure': Atoms(...),
                                  'traj_file_path': './adsorbates/O/hollow/9.702_4.001/input.traj'}}},
 'OH': {'ontop': {'0.0_0.0': {'structure': Atoms(...),
                              'traj_file_path': './adsorbates/OH/ontop/0.0_0.0/input.traj'}},
        'bridge': {'7.623_6.001': {'structure': Atoms(...),
                                   'traj_file_path': './adsorbates/OH/bridge/7.623_6.001/input.traj'}},
        'hollow': {'6.93_5.601': {'structure': Atoms(...),
                                  'traj_file_path': './adsorbates/OH/hollow/6.93_5.601/input.traj'},
                   '9.702_4.001': {'structure': Atoms(...),
                                   'traj_file_path': './adsorbates/OH/hollow/9.702_4.001/input.traj'}}},

In general the dictionary generated has the following organization:

        {XY: {"structure": Atoms, "traj_file_path": TRAJFILEPATH}}}, 
When writing these adsorbed structures to disk it is done with the following subdirectory format (mimicing the organization of the dictionary).

├── adsorbates
│   ├── O
│   │   ├── bridge
│   │   │   └── 7.623_6.001
│   │   │       └── input.traj
│   │   ├── hollow
│   │   │   ├── 6.93_5.601
│   │   │   │   └── input.traj
│   │   │   └── 9.702_4.001
│   │   │       └── input.traj
│   │   └── ontop
│   │       └── 0.0_0.0
│   │           └── input.traj
│   ├── OH
│   │   ├── bridge
│   │   │   └── 7.623_6.001
│   │   │       └── input.traj
│   │   ├── hollow
│   │   │   ├── 6.93_5.601
│   │   │   │   └── input.traj
│   │   │   └── 9.702_4.001
│   │   │       └── input.traj
│   │   └── ontop
│   │       └── 0.0_0.0
│   │           └── input.traj
│   └── OOH
│       ├── bridge
│       │   └── 7.623_6.001
│       │       └── input.traj
│       ├── hollow
│       │   ├── 6.93_5.601
│       │   │   └── input.traj
│       │   └── 9.702_4.001
│       │       └── input.traj
│       └── ontop
│           └── 0.0_0.0
│               └── input.traj

Instead of generating the adsorption structures for all unique sites, the xy coordinates of individual sites may be specified using the adsorption_sites parameter. Here we can give each of these sites custom labels to be used for referencing and writing to disk.

>>> from autocat.surface import generate_surface_structures
>>> from autocat.adsorption import generate_adsorbed_structures
>>> surface_dict = generate_surface_structures(
...     species_list=["Pt"], facets={"Pt": ["111"]}, n_fixed_layers=2
... )
>>> surface = surface_dict["Pt"]["fcc111"]["structure"]
>>> x = surface[15].x
>>> x
>>> y = surface[15].y
>>> y
>>> sites = {"Li": {"custom": [(x,y)]}}
>>> ads_dict = generate_adsorbed_structures(
...     surface=surface,
...     adsorbates=["Li"],
...     use_all_sites=False,
...     adsorption_sites=site,
...     write_to_disk=True,
... )
Structure with Li adsorbed at custom/4.158_5.601 written to ./adsorbates/Li/custom/4.158_5.601/input.traj
>>> ads_dict
{'Li': {'custom': {'4.158_5.601': {'structure': Atoms(...),
                                   'traj_file_path': './adsorbates/Li/custom/4.158_5.601/input.traj'}}}}

If we are dealing with multiple adsorbates, adsorption sites, heights, etc.. that we want to treat differently depending on the combination, we can leverage the dict option for each of these inputs. The example below illustrates this capability, where can be used to specify adsorbates.

>>> from autocat.surface import generate_surface_structures
>>> from autocat.adsorption import generate_adsorbed_structures
>>> surface_dict = generate_surface_structures(
...     species_list=["Pt"], facets={"Pt": ["111"]}, n_fixed_layers=2
... )
>>> surface = surface_dict["Pt"]["fcc111"]["structure"]
>>> sites = {"Li": {"origin": [(0.,0.)]}, "H": {"custom": [(0.5, 0.5)]}}
>>> ads_dict = generate_adsorbed_structures(
...     surface=surface,
...     adsorbates=["Li", "H", "N"],
...     use_all_sites={"Li": False, "H": False, "N": True},
...     heights={"H": 1.2}
...     adsorption_sites=sites,
...     write_to_disk=True,
... )