
In order to iterate a sequential learning pipeline, a regressor is needed to select subsequent candidate systems. For this purpose, there is the Predictor object class. This contains two key attributes:

  • a regressor that can be fit to data and used for predictions (the class provided must have fit and predict methods)
  • a Featurizer to be used for featurizing the structures. There are two currently implemented approaches, structure methods that featurize the entire structure (e.g. SineMatrix, ElementProperty) and adsorbate methods that featurize locally (e.g. SOAP).

Generally, this predictor object behaves similarly to regressors found in sklearn with its own fit, predict, and score methods.

As an example, let's train a random forest regressor on some single atom alloys.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from dscribe.descriptors import SineMatrix
>>> from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
>>> from autocat.saa import generate_saa_structures
>>> from autocat.utils import flatten_structures_dict
>>> from autocat.learning.featurizers import Featurizer
>>> from autocat.learning.predictors import Predictor
>>> saa_dict = generate_saa_structures(["Cu", "Au", "Fe"], ["Pt", "Ru", "Ni"])
>>> saa_structs = flatten_structures_dict(saa_dict)
>>> labels = np.random.randint(1, size=(len(saa_structs) - 1))
>>> featurizer = Featurizer(
...     featurizer_class=SineMatrix
... )
>>> regressor = RandomForestRegressor()
>>> acp = Predictor(
...     regressor=regressor,
...     featurizer=featurizer,
... )
>>>[:-1], labels)
>>> acp
|           |                        Predictor                         |
| regressor | <class 'sklearn.ensemble._forest.RandomForestRegressor'> |
|  is fit?  |                           True                           |
|                                   |                     Featurizer                     |
|               class               |     dscribe.descriptors.sinematrix.SineMatrix      |
|               kwargs              |                        None                        |
|            species list           | ['Fe', 'Ni', 'Pt', 'Pd', 'Cu', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'H'] |
|       maximum structure size      |                        100                         |
|               preset              |                        None                        |
| design space structures provided? |                       False                        |
>>> pred, _ = acp.predict([saa_structs[-1]])
>>> pred
Here we have chosen to featurize the structures as a SineMatrix.

Note as well that the predict method will return uncertainty estimates if available. To see this, let's train a gaussian process regressor with an RBF kernel. Let's also featurize using SOAP to see how featurization kwargs are passed

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from ase import Atoms
>>> from dscribe.descriptors import SOAP
>>> from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor
>>> from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import RBF
>>> from autocat.surface import generate_surface_structures
>>> from autocat.utils import flatten_structures_dict
>>> from autocat.adsorption import place_adsorbate
>>> from autocat.learning.featurizers import Featurizer
>>> from autocat.learning.predictors import Predictor
>>> subs = flatten_structures_dict(generate_surface_structures(["Pt", "Fe", "Ru"]))
>>> structs = [place_adsorbate(s, Atoms("OH")) for s in subs]
>>> labels = np.random.randint(1, size=(len(structs) - 1))
>>> featurizer = Featurizer(
...     featurizer_class=SOAP,
...     design_space_structures=structs,
...     kwargs={"rcut": 6.0, "nmax": 6, "lmax": 6}
... )
>>> kernel = RBF()
>>> regressor = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel)
>>> acp = Predictor(
...     featurizer=featurizer,
...     regressor=regressor
... )
>>>[:-1], labels)
>>> acp
|           |                            Predictor                             |
| regressor | <class 'sklearn.gaussian_process._gpr.GaussianProcessRegressor'> |
|  is fit?  |                               True                               |
|                                   |              Featurizer             |
|               class               |    dscribe.descriptors.soap.SOAP    |
|               kwargs              | {'rcut': 6.0, 'nmax': 6, 'lmax': 6} |
|            species list           |     ['Fe', 'Ru', 'Pt', 'O', 'H']    |
|       maximum structure size      |                  38                 |
|               preset              |                 None                |
| design space structures provided? |                 True                |
>>> pred, unc = acp.predict([structs[-1]])
>>> pred
>>> unc